Graduate School of Science and Technology

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Fundamental Sciences

Fundamental Sciences

With basic understandings on the mechanisms of the nature and mathematical phenomena, we provide education and research to elucidate the mechanisms of the properties and reactions of substances; to explore new materials; and on various issues seen on the mathematical scientific phenomena in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. We aim to nurture excellent human resources, with deep expertise and technical skills, who play an active role in society. We also aim to nurture educators and researchers who capitalize the insight and originality obtained through the experience at the forefront of research.


Master’s Program

Master’s Program: We aim to foster scientists with basic understandings of various structures of substances and who can collect information through their experience at the forefront of research. We conduct advanced research on the analysis of the physical properties of electrons and ions of condensed matters at the quantum levels using the latest quantum science approaches and on the exploration and prediction of the physical properties of new substances. We also undertake exploratory research on elementary particles and atomic nuclei as the basic components of substances, the universe as an aggregation of these substances, and the Big Bang scenario, based on the forces of elementary particles and the basic quantum laws.

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program: We conduct advanced research, transcending the existing framework of condensed matter physics and using large-scale apparatuses installed on the campus, including the helium liquefier, high-field magnet, x-ray crystallography apparatus for structural analysis, and PC cluster for parallel computation, or we explore the laws of natural phenomena in the universe, elementary particles and the properties of materials in the various strata of the atomic nucleus and the microscopic mechanisms contributing to the development of these properties, based on the forces of elementary particles and the basic quantum laws.


Master’s Program

Master’s Program: We provide education and research on the nuclear and chemical properties of heavy elements; separation of trace metal ions and development of a method for determining trace metal ions in solution; the ion-molecule reaction mechanism; the structure and dynamics of solid-state and liquid-state substances and phase transition; development of new functional materials through control of electron and spin; development of a new synthetic method and creation of functional substances based on the structure and reaction mechanism of organic compounds; structure-activity relationship of biopolymers represented by enzymes; and elucidation of the higher functions of body tissues.

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program: We provide education and research to elucidate various substances in chemistry. In particular, we nurture abilities to elucidate the respective advanced problems, such as atomic nuclei, inorganic and organic substances, and biopolymers, based on the chemical properties, structures, and reactions of various substances, experiments, and theories, at the atomic and molecular levels and find rules or laws associated with. We also nurture individuals with abilities to realize and solve novel problems in each field of chemistry. Furthermore, students will acquire English language skills necessary for global researchers and engineers, including abilities to read scientific or technical articles and to make outstanding presentations on their research.

Mathematical Science

Master’s Program

Master’s Program: We provide education and research on the theories of mathematical science and information science along with their applications. Through the study of mathematics, we nurture students with the ability to think orderly and logically and to solve problems. In particular, we provide education and conduct research on the theories and applications of functional analysis, algebraic geometry, number theory, topology, and differential geometry; the theories and application of mathematical statistics, including time series analysis and mathematical finance; and mathematical programming, operational research, and optimization theories.

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program: We provide education and conduct research with the objective to teach students to be able to elucidate mathematical structures of complex natural and social phenomena from the perspective of mathematics and information science. This includes education and research on the theories of functional analysis, algebraic geometry, number theory, topology, and differential geometry, as well as their application in various fields of information science. Furthermore, we offer education and research on mathematical statistics and optimization theories in the field of information science.