Five major programs encompassing a broad range of science and technology
The Graduate School of Science and Technology consists of five major programs: Fundamental Sciences; Advanced Materials Science and Technology; Electrical and Information Engineering; Life and Food Sciences; and Environmental Science and Technology, promoting interdisciplinary studies among research areas of science, engineering and agriculture.
We are a segment-type graduate school of doctoral programs, consisting of Master’s and Doctoral programs. Students who complete the first two-year term and the second three-year term of the programs will be respectively awarded a master's degree and a doctoral degree.
In addition to the five-year consistent postgraduate education, we offer various study periods, such as a two-year or three-year program for some international students and working adult students.
Education and Reseach Facilities
Well-equipped research facilities support staff
Institutions and research facilities, which are affiliated with University or Faculty, offer excellent education and researh opportunities.
The Research Institute for Natural Hazards Recovery aims to prevent and mitigate of disasters. This institution conducts scientific reseach for prediction on environmental changes, elucidation of the occurrence mechanisms of complex disasters, and local safety.
The Radioisotope Center has various equipment, including devices to measure raiological substances, to support the related research.
In addition, the Niigata University Forest, the Sado Marine Biological Station, and the Field Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry of the Faculty of Agriculture provide appropriate research environment for the related research and education in various areas of Niigata prefecture.
Core Stations
Advanced graduate programs and research excellence
The groups of faculty members, who are not under restraint of their preexisting affiliations, are engaged in development of advanced graduate education program and providing core environment for prominent research and education at 11 Core Stations.